Selling Your Home
At Johnson & Jones we use the very latest cutting edge marketing technology incorporating extensive internet advertising which is undoubtedly the starting point in any buyer’s property search. We combine these high tech marketing initiatives with good “old fashioned” personal contact to ensure that as a buyer you find the perfect property within your budget and as a seller you achieve maximum marketing exposure and consequently the best possible price in the current market place.
Trusting someone to sell your property is a big deal financially as well as emotionally. We adapt our marketing to the individual with a tailor made service for each client. Our property particulars are professional presented and of a very high standard, our advertising is extensive and our office is in a prominent and easily accessible position. We are open long hours and accompany all viewing appointments whenever possible. We follow up all viewings within 24 hours to give our vendors clear and concise feedback. It is our practice that all offers are dealt with by experienced, senior members of the team to ensure that we achieve for you, the best possible agreement.
We recognise that many of our clients and purchasers have extremely busy lives. With this in mind we are available to send an experienced property expert to accompany a viewing appointment. We would ask you to be as flexible as possible, it would also be worth considering giving us a key, which would be security coded and never released without your permission!
Preparation & Atmosphere...
First impressions are extremely important we suggest keeping the property as clean and tidy as possible putting away clutter. Clearing kitchen work surfaces and cooking utensils can give a spacious feel and provides a great excuse for you to eat out! Try and make rooms look as bright and light as possible. The right temperature is also important a cold room can be uninviting and a prospective buyer may feel an unbearably hot conservatory uninhabitable. Smells of pets or stale cooking can also be off putting. Open fires in winter, windows open in summer, fresh flowers and coffee can all help to achieve an early sale. Baked bread or hiding the kids in the car boot could be construed as taking things a little too far!
Using the latest digital technology a member of our team will photograph different rooms and external elevations with an array of angles with a view to highlighting the best features of your property. These will then be used in our internet advertising, brochures and displayed in our very state of the art LED window display.
Sales Progression...
Unlike many of our competitors, we put great emphasis on the importance of progressing the sale and continue to deal with your file in house, rather than sending it to a centralised progressing department. We will liaise with the respective building societies, banks, solicitors, surveyors and other parties that are involved. Continuity is paramount in property matters and the same member of staff will progress the sale to anticipate, negotiate and overcome any potential problems along the way. We try to ensure safe passage through to exchange of contracts and whilst there are no guarantees that this process will be plain sailing, every attempt is made to avoid any unwanted pitfalls. We recommend a number of solicitors to handle your sale/purchase transaction with a package to suit all pockets. These include “No sale No fee” to fixed rate quotations.
...Why Choose J & J
Our success relies on achieving you a sale at the best possible price and seeing this through to a successful completion, we will strive to exceed your expectations not only to further strengthen our professional relationship but also to ensure you become an advocate of Johnson and Jones. Given the opportunity we would be delighted to act on your behalf. I hope that you make the decision to entrust your sale to Johnson and Jones and await with anticipation your instruction to proceed.